As Seen in The Independent, WalesOnline, Thrive, The Mirror, Medium, Metro

How do you go from single mum WITH POST NATAL DEPRESSION on minimum wage to making over $7 million from a small organic audience, married to the love of your life, and healing people to rapid results in over 104 countries in just a few years? (Yes, speaking from experience!)

It all started with finding a white feather in my car.

My childhood involved people who neglected and abused me. My twenties involved men who betrayed and controlled me. I was hidden homeless sofa surfing with friends and family for many years. I focussed on working hard and achieving because it was easier than feeling the pain in my heart. But after a near-death experience at the hands of my ex-partner and the overwhelming grief of the loss of my first pregnancy, I realised that I was searching for love in all the wrong places and nobody was coming to rescue me.

If I wanted to have a life worth living and loving and a home safe enough to bring my own children into the world, I needed to rescue myself. 

After ditching the narcissistic relationships, I changed my degree to psychology, wrote an award-winning dissertation on domestic violence, and eventually became a specialist social worker with a magic touch transforming the most challenging and wounded people in society. During this time, I had a dream about starting a business, and the next day I found a white feather in my car. I took this feather as a sign and started a health food business on the side of my social work career.

This was my first taste of success but I was hustling hard for it and I was devastated to be diagnosed infertile. It just made me hustle harder to numb the pain. Then to my surprise, I fell pregnant.

A traumatic birth with my first son brought all of the childhood trauma to the surface. I was overworking, overdelivering, and trying to raise the baby I’d been told I would never be able to have. Something had to give. So I left my social work career behind with barely enough to pay myself minimum wage from my business each month and began to focus on what my definition of success actually was.

Which leads me to secret #1...

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Secret #1 : Healing

This was when my journey of healing really began. The business grew, but slowly. In 2018 I was desperately working towards my £5k month goal but I couldn’t get near it and didn’t know how to break through it.

Then I came across advanced hypnotherapy. Being someone who has always had an open mind I was intrigued to try it. When I did, I started to heal the layers of my trauma, and my business exploded, hitting five-figure months consistently. I hadn’t done anything physically different, but I was suddenly taking action fearlessly and success came way more easily.

People could see it happening, and they wanted the secret! I knew the secret was healing myself, so pairing my extensive background in human psychology and behaviour change with training in subconscious and energetic techniques seemed like the perfect opportunity to make a bigger impact and help others transform their inner and outer worlds too.

Within a year I was fully booked with a waiting list. Within two years, multi-five-figure months and six-figure months became my new normal. My methods were so innovative and got such rapid and unrivalled results that people started to recognise me as a pioneer of the business success industry.


But even though my business was booming, I became so focused on hitting bigger goals that other areas of my life were suffering. (Maybe you can relate to this?)

I’d found an incredible man to share my life with — but I kept sabotaging my relationship every time my income grew. I was doing my life’s work and my soul was soaring — but my health started to decline. I was impacting more people — but I had less time to spend with my son.

It felt like I couldn’t have it all. But I still wanted it all. And I believed it was possible. That’s when I realised that it’s not just about achieving success, it’s about achieving success mastery. Success in ALL areas. No sabotage. No sacrifice. 

Maybe healing was only part of the puzzle. 

Which takes us to secret #2...

Secret #2 : Spirituality

I’ve always been spiritual (starting a business because I saw a white feather?!), but I hid it from the world. I was scared to be judged, misunderstood, maybe even called crazy. I worried people wouldn’t take me seriously and that would damage my business. Maybe you feel this way too. 

Little did I know it was the complete opposite. In 2020 I had what I can only describe as a “spiritual awakening” that showed me spirituality was essential to helping others heal and succeed on a deeper level. 

I dreamed about and channelled my Success Saboteurs Archetypes® — a body of work that changed everything for me personally, generated millions in my business and impacted thousands of women globally. 

I combined ancient and lived wisdom with evidence-based techniques to pioneer my HeartHealing® modality to help rapidly heal and expand my own heart and the hearts of my clients — clients have said that a one hour session “healed me more than ten years of therapy”

I channelled priestess activations for my signature work, before I even knew what a priestess was and began to unlock powerful intuitive and spiritual gifts of my own. 

Every single offer I created and move I made in my business was divinely guided and unlocked more success for my clients than they had ever experienced before.

The more I leant into my spirituality, the more powerful my work became, the more success I had, and the better my client results got.

Even when I experienced various traumatic events behind the scenes (ask me how it feels to get “cancelled”), my business kept growing. 

It's Time for secret #3...

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Secret #3 : Combining Healing & Spirituality

The results my clients got were, and continue to be, out of this world. 

Growing from 0 to multi-six, even seven figures. 

Jumping from inconsistent $20k months to their first million dollar year. 

Best ever launches. 

$74k months.

On the brink of divorce and falling in love again.

Babies after fertility issues. 

Deepening relationships with children. 

Happier home lives

Launching bestselling books.

Incredible inner peace and wholeness

Unlocking spiritual, intuitive and healing gifts

Creating legacy work that impacts so many more people.

The list goes on and on and on.

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They had opened up to receiving on a whole new level.

One day I decided to ask some of them what they felt was pivotal to their quantum leaps.

All of them said it was the spiritual piece.

Connecting to their intuition, unlocking their own unique gifts, and channelling bodies of work that have deepened their impact and made them hundreds or thousands and even millions.

That’s when I realised that it was the combination of healing and spirituality that unlocked my Ultimate Uplevel.

This was my reality too.

The more I healed, the stronger my spiritual connection and gifts became, the more success I received in my life & business.

Since 2020 I've...

+ Had my first million dollar year (and multi million dollar year!)

+ Become a cash millionaire (and have stayed one ever since)

+ Bought my dream home with 3 acres of land

+ Welcomed my second beautiful son into the world

+ Started my training school, The School of Healing Mastery and grown it to 7 figures

+ Won awards including top 35 under 35 leaders in great Britain and highly commended Woman of the Future

+ Masterminded with Richard Branson and got married to my soulmate on his Island, Necker Island (still pinch myself over this one)

+ Written a global bestselling book, Your Next Six Figures

+ Starred in a film touted to be bigger than The Secret alongside personal development legend Joe Vitale

+ Channelled brand new therapies such as Ancestral HeartHealing and Past Life HeartHealing

+ Donated thousands to charities including Women's Aid and NSPCC

+ Spent more time than ever with my family while my business continues to grow

I opened myself up to receiving on a whole new level. Now my success isn’t just linked to a number, it’s linked to my soul.

The Ultimate Uplevel isn't a straight line, it's a cycle

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Science will always have a place in my work. But when you integrate spirituality? That’s when you’ll experience true success beyond your wildest dreams. 


If you only focus on strategy and money, your success will always be surface level. It’s why so many people look incredibly successful on the outside but are miserable on the inside, forever feeling like “something” is missing. That’s not the life I want for you. 

To achieve the ultimate uplevel — success in every single area of your life — you need to focus on blending these two catalysts. Healing and spirituality. It’s not one or the other. It’s always both. This is how you live a life that is spiritual and rich — beyond your wildest dreams.

High achieving women need holistic support that goes beyond financial uplevels. We aren’t here to create a materially rich world that’s lacking in love and connection. We’re here to break cycles. To heal ourselves so we can heal the world and make it a better place for our children and our future generations.

It’s your turn to experience rapid, long-lasting financial, emotional, and spiritual success 

While I may not have walked in your shoes, I know what it feels like to:

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    Struggle to break through income ceilings

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    Doubt myself constantly and question every move I made in my business

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    Fear showing up online in a bigger way and then feel disappointed in myself

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    Sabotage myself over and over 

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    Believe that I have huge potential but no idea how to unlock it

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    Hit a goal and then feel no real satisfaction from it (so I’d just move the goalpost and put more pressure on myself)

But I also know what it feels like to:

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    Go from consistent £3k months to consistent 6 and multi 6 figure months

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    Explode my visibility online without any fear attached (and build my business through organic marketing strategies only — zero ads!)

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    Find the love of my life after a string of failed relationships 

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    Raise two beautiful children who have all the love and money that wasn't available to me

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    Heal from deep childhood trauma (including chronic abuse and a painful mother wound) 

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    Build my business in a way that allows me to help more people without working more or working harder 

The ONLY thing I did differently was to heal my heart and follow my soul every step of the way.

And I want this for you too. I want more women to experience healing it all, having it all and holding it all so together we can create a new paradigm of success for ourselves, our families and the world.

Let me show you the way to your ultimate uplevel

Personally tailored one-to-one healing mentorship for the Revolutionary Woman who wants to receive, achieve and hold higher levels of success in life, love and leadership. You want it all at the highest level and want to unlock it all at rapid speed. Through this inner and outer approach to Success Mastery, we will activate your potential to truly have it all. The millions. The love. The family. The global impact. The super-powered spiritual gifts. Application only. 

Natasha Bray - Success Coach & Healer
Image of Natasha Leigh Bray smiling, wearing a sparkly gold dress, against a purple star background with the Ultimate Uplevel Academy logo above her

In the Ultimate Uplevel Academy® we turn the mystery of success into the mastery of success so that you can heal it all, have it all and hold it all at the highest level. Start your journey with our 7 month Ultimate Uplevel Curriculum where you will unveil and heal your Success Saboteur Archetypes® and the Receiving Wounds® beneath them. Get ready to break through multiple income plateaus, crack your heart wide open to receiving and step into your next level of leadership.


Women from start up to 7 figures benefit from my self study success instant access unique courses, bundles and masterclasses. Business strategy like you've never seen it before, or as I like to call it, Healing Strategy. My clients often say they have had better results with these than thousands they have spent with others.

Natasha Leigh Bray Self Study