latest blog posts
The Golden Parent Wound and How it is Impacting Your Success
Did you have one parent who you placed on a pedestal and could do no wrong? Was the other always to blame for what went wrong in your life? If you resonate with this, then you could be suffering from something I call the ‘Golden Parent Wound’. You may have heard about the golden…
The Power of Authenticity
Authenticity is something we all want to have in our lives. For many, it’s about the power to be you. To love, trust and respect yourself and your opinions, beliefs and thoughts and be guided by that authenticity. For others, it’s the freedom to live an unfiltered life, where you’re unapologetically you. In business especially,…
Fear of rejection – how to overcome the need to belong
We’re all hardwired with a need to belong, to be accepted by our peers. This fear of rejection makes us fear being alone and isolated, afraid of not being accepted. Ultimately, it plays on the very deepest of our fears – that we’re unworthy and unlovable. Fear of rejection is one of the most powerful…
Fear of success: what it is & how to overcome it
Fear of success can have a nasty habit of sneaking up on you, when you’re least expecting it. When you’re just on the verge of achieving what you want, things seemingly start to go wrong. You start noticing those things that are less than perfect or are irritating you. You may even begin to question…
Mother wounds – what they are and how to heal them
A huge proportion of my clients have needed healing around parental relationships, particularly healing the mother wounds. Our relationship with our mother (along with how we witness her treating herself), are the biggest influential factors on our own self love and what we believe we deserve or are worthy of. In some cases I’ve dealt…
7 Steps to overcome imposter syndrome
Imposter syndrome is something I come across in almost all the women I work with and is a key reason so many women are being held back from achieving the next level of success in their businesses. Did you know as many as 70% of us have experienced Imposter Syndrome at least once in our…
Why You Are Struggling to Hit Your Income Goals
In 2017 I had the goal of six figures in my business. I had it written on a post it note and stuck on my vision board. I missed it by a mile! To be truthful I didn’t even hit half that. But I still grew my business 25% on the year before despite all…
Banish Those Visibility Fears
I know lots of women relate to this one and I wanted to share my story around visibility fears in the hope that it can help someone else out there. It’s only in the last year that I have actually made progress on this and I still have a way to go. I was the…
The Secret to Success?
Do you feel like something is holding you back in your business? Like you are stuck at a certain income level? Have you ever wondered how you’ll ever reach those big goals and dreams? That used to be me too. But listen up, you don’t need another course. You don’t need to pay 10k for a…